The Smile Center Indianapolis IN dentist
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Complete Dental Care for Children and Adults! Serving Castleton, Northeast Indy, and the rest of Greater Indianapolis
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Broken / Chipped Tooth

If you have a broken or chipped tooth as a result of a very recent trauma or accident, contact your dentist immediately!

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chipped teethIf you have a broken or chipped tooth that is not the result of a recent trauma, Dr. Shah can evaluate the tooth for possible treatment. It is still important to have the tooth evaluated right away, because in some situations a minor procedure now can save you from a more significant procedure in the near future!

A very small chip may be corrected by enamel shaping. If the chip is a little larger, the best options may be bonding or a veneer. If the chip is on a molar, an onlay may be appropriate. Large chips and fractured teeth generally require a crown. If the fracture involves the nerve, Root Canal Therapy may be necessary before the tooth is crowned. It is important to have a broken tooth crowned before it becomes infected or abscessed!

In extreme cases, a broken tooth cannot be saved. In this case, an extraction is needed. The missing tooth can be replaced with a bridge or an implant.

Each case is unique. Only your dentist can properly diagnose the best course of treatment for your tooth.

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Smile Center Family Dentistry Dr. Jyoti Shah Indianapolis IN Dentist

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It is not meant to serve as delivery of medical or dental care. If you have specific questions or concerns, contact your health care provider.